Should Your Organization Use Microsoft Teams AND Zoom?

Effective communication plays a vital role in the modern workplace. This is especially true given the rapid pace of digital transformation and the prevalence of remote and hybrid work environments. So, to bridge the gap between employees and clients, it’s no surprise that organizations use an average of 3.5 platforms for day-to-day operations. Among the platforms that companies most often use are Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

While both can facilitate seamless interactions within organizations, each platform has its unique strengths. For instance, Microsoft Teams comes with collaboration tools such as task management and file sharing. Meanwhile, Zoom excels in providing video conferencing and virtual meeting options.

With this in mind, should you be using both platforms? Let’s look at some reasons you may want to leverage both systems. We’ll also explore how standardizing your communication systems can help you streamline operations.



Microsoft Teams and Zoom have become staples for workplace collaboration. In fact, as of 2020, Microsoft reported that over a million organizations use Teams. It also has 270 million daily active users as of 2022. Meanwhile, Zoom has more than 200,000 business users as of 2022 and over 350 million daily meeting participants as of December 2020.

These applications offer similar features—they have comparable video quality, participant capacity, and transcription options as part of their paid plans. In addition, they’re mobile-ready and can integrate with other software in your business tech stack, such as Zapier and Google Drive. However, while both apps are built to reinforce communication, they also have several key differences.

The Microsoft Teams platform is readily available for users of Microsoft 365 applications. It offers advanced features for meeting productivity such as action item lists, a whiteboard function, and a team Wiki. These are what make it a great tool for internal communication. It also boasts higher-capacity cloud storage and unlimited chat as part of its free plan.

On the other hand, Zoom is known for its high participant capacity and long time limit for one-to-one sessions. It’s also built to maintain connection even with slow internet and has extensive customization options compared to Teams. This makes it a better option for external communication.


Considering each platform’s features and benefits, it’s worth it to leverage both as communication tools. Together, these apps can help you:

  • Increase Adaptability and Reliability: Using multiple channels can help you reduce downtime brought about by technical issues, server outages, and similar disruptions. This also ensures continuity in communication in cases of emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Improve Reach and Accessibility: Accommodate diverse communication preferences and make sure all employees can participate in meetings effectively.
  • Enhance Collaboration: As different platforms offer different features, you can leverage all the tools you need to improve collaboration. If both apps can be integrated, you can also streamline the flow of information and make it accessible to all involved parties.


A 2021 global survey of hybrid or remote teams revealed that employees use multiple channels to communicate with their coworkers and clients daily:

  • Email: 94%
  • Phone Calls: 87%
  • Messages: 85%
  • Video: 87%

While each channel serves a purpose, it can be difficult to track conversations and the exchange of information.

So, whether you’re planning on using both Microsoft Teams and Zoom or simply choosing one of the two, it’s important to standardize how you use your tools across the organization. Doing so will allow you to centralize interactions, reduce training time, and increase overall productivity.


As you standardize your team collaboration and communication process and choose your tools, there are several factors to consider. This can help you identify the program that best aligns with your business needs, budget, and technological infrastructure.

  • Budget: Does the platform cost align with your financial resources and long-term sustainability? Be sure to count licensing fees, subscription plans, and potential hardware needs.
  • Ease of Use: Is the platform easy to navigate, or will employees need training or technical support?
  • Features and Quality of Audio and Video: Look for features like video communication, screen sharing, chat, file sharing, and integration capabilities. Also, can the audio and video tools handle high resolution?
  • Needs in Conference Spaces: The program you choose must be compatible with your available space—regardless of its size—and existing hardware.
  • Workspace Considerations: What are your operational needs? Can the platform cater to both remote and in-office workers? Does it offer options like room schedulers, desk reservations, and hot desking?
  • Hardware Management: Assess the platform’s hardware requirements and its compatibility with your existing equipment. Are additional purchases needed?
  • Webinar Options: If you conduct webinars, make sure the platform offers audience engagement and registration options and can accommodate a large number of participants.
  • Phone Integration: Will the platform integrate with your existing phone system, or does it come equipped with call center functionalities?
  • Artificial Intelligence and Sales Analytics: These advanced features can give you valuable insights into how the platform is being used. This data can help enhance sales and customer service strategies.


With the many communication options available, most companies and clients have unique preferences when it comes to the tools they use. That said, there’s certainly a benefit to leveraging multiple platforms. By using software such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom together, you can overcome limitations and optimize all digital company interactions.

However, striking the right balance in using these platforms can be challenging. To ensure you’re making the most of them, consider undergoing a technology assessment.

Vivo Technologies offers different assessments for video conferencing, unified communications, telephony, and hardware. We’ll thoroughly assess your business needs to see which platforms can help you achieve your goals. Reach out today to learn more about what Vivo Technologies can do for your organization.

Google meetMicrosoft teamsVideo conferencing roomZoom

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